发生在半殖民地半封建社会的辛亥革命 ,以推翻满清政府的统治为直接目标 ,具有浓厚的反满民族斗争色彩。反满是辛亥革命时期最响亮且最有号召力的口号 ,反满是推动资产阶级革命派走上革命道路的重要思想武器 ,也是他们用来宣传和动员群众的最重要思想武器。本文拟就辛亥革命中
The 1911 Revolution, which took place in the semi-colonial and semi-feudal society, was aimed directly at overthrowing the government of the Manchu government and had a strong anti-Manchu nationalist struggle. Anti-Manchuria is the slightest and most charismatic slogan in the 1911 Revolution. Anti-Manchukan is an important ideological weapon to promote the bourgeois revolutionary movement onto the road to revolution. It is also the most important ideological weapon they use to publicize and mobilize the masses. This article is about the Revolution of 1911