
来源 :新安全 东方消防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:begoodboy
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城市新名词:1995,市政府实事工程这个时代新名词出现在城市消防的社会化推进中,三次实事工程,三次大的跨越城市的改变,可以褪掉过去的很多东西,也可以创造崭新的事物。在改革开放30年的社会进程中,“消防实事工程”这个新名词的诞生,同城市消防的进步紧密地联系在了一起。1995年,消防实事工程这几个字第一次出现在上海市政府的办公文件当中,那一年“只出10元钱,买个灭火器,回家保平安”使30万居民家庭成了消防实事工程的直接受益者。从那以后,上海共为300万户居民家庭配发家用灭火器、消防 City new term: 1995, the municipal government practical projects The new term of this era appeared in the city of social protection of fire fighting, three practical projects, three major changes across the city, you can fade the past a lot of things, you can also create something new . In the social process of 30 years of reform and opening up, the birth of the new term of “fire engineering” has been closely linked with the progress of urban fire protection. In 1995, the words of fire engineering project first appeared in the office documents of the Shanghai municipal government. In that year, “only 10 yuan was spent, a fire extinguisher was bought, and the home was safe.” The 300,000 households were made into The direct beneficiaries of fire engineering. Since then, Shanghai has allocated 3 million household fire extinguishers and firefighting facilities to 3 million households
Under the impact of nationwide de-capacity campaign,Yichuan,which is a key city in Henan Province’s aluminum smelting and processing industry,has become the fo
通过分析炉顶液压站HE68液压油粘度上升的成因,从油品理化分析结果入手,找出了油品氧化是其粘度上升的主要原因,并提出了改进措施。 By analyzing the causes of the viscos
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1990年来到了!在新的一年开始的时候,我们回顾过去,展望未来,充满了无限的信心和希望。 刚刚过去的1989年是难忘的。在这一年里,我们的档案工作者忠于党,忠于人民,忠于档案