2月14日上午,国内著名放顶煤技术专家、中国矿业大学教授吴键终于被请到了安徽淮北芦岭煤矿的讲台上,向该矿主管技术员以上干部讲解综采放顶煤技术。 在赶往会议室的路上,芦岭矿办公室主任赵良政告诉笔者:“吴教授是孙矿长亲自从淮南‘劫’来的。”原来,吴教授日前受邀在淮南办讲座时,芦岭矿矿长孙家斌恰好在淮南。听到这个消息后,孙矿长立即通过熟人找到他,诚恳地邀请他到芦岭矿传经送
On the morning of February 14, well-known top capping technology expert and professor at China University of Mining and Technology, Wu Jian, was finally invited to the podium of Luling Mine in Huaibei, Anhui to explain the technology of fully mechanized top caving to more than cadres in charge of the mine. On the way to the conference room, Zhao Liangzheng, Director of Luling Mine Office, told the author: “Professor Wu was the leader of Sun Huai who personally robbed Huainan since” Professor Wu was invited to give a lecture in Huainan and Luling Sun Jiabin mine manager happens to be in Huainan. After hearing this news, Sun Mogul immediately found him through an acquaintance and sincerely invited him to send to Lu Ling Mine