该文详细讨论了脂润滑轴承接触区附近润滑剂的几种迁移现象,这些迁移现象包括基础油的分油、渗透及蒸发,在剪切、挤压、振动作用下的粘附迁移,在温度梯度作用下的表面迁移,在表面张力作用下的回流迁移,在出口空穴区所产生的液滴迁移以及由于氧化造成的润滑剂永久损失.有的迁移现象使人口区附近的润滑剂损失,有的使人口区附近的润滑剂得到补给,因此在接触区附近存在一个迁移的动态平衡,这样就保证了脂润滑轴承长期可靠地运转.“,”In this paper several migration phenomena at the contact zone of rolling element bearing lubricated with grease were discussed. These migration phenomenon include base oil migration, adhesive migration due to shear, squeeze and chum force, temperature gradient migration, replenishment migration caused by surface tension, lubricant drip migration caused in the outlet cavitation region, oxidation and polymerizattion. The migration mechanism in relation to the balance between 'feed and *loss* of lubricant in a bearing lubricated with grease have been discussed in detail.