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我国微晶蜡的生产企业有南充炼油厂、南阳炼油厂、锦西炼化总厂、荆门炼油厂和独山子炼油厂5家,总生产能力为5.6万t/a,2000年实际产量为3083t,开工率为0.55%。随着北美、欧洲的石蜡(包括微晶蜡)装置停工,世界微晶蜡的供需市场将展开新一轮竞争,寻求新的平衡。入世后国产微晶蜡能否占领市场,关键在于改进生产技术、降低产品成本、提高产品质量,与进口产品竞争。本文详细介绍了微晶蜡的生产技术发展趋势、企业面临的机遇与挑战,并对应用市场进行了分析。 China’s microcrystalline wax production enterprises Nanchong Refinery, Nanyang Refinery, Jinxi Refinery Plant, Jingmen Refinery and Dushanzi Refinery 5, with a total production capacity of 56,000 t / a, the actual output in 2000 was 3083t , The operating rate of 0.55%. As North America, Europe, paraffin (including microcrystalline wax) device shutdown, the world market supply and demand of microcrystalline wax will start a new round of competition in search of a new balance. After accession to the WTO whether domestic microcrystalline wax can occupy the market, the key lies in improving production technology, reducing product costs, improving product quality and competing with imported products. This article describes in detail the development trend of microcrystalline wax production technology, the opportunities and challenges enterprises face, and analyzes the application market.