【目的】研究电商用户在多会话网购过程中的商品信息搜寻的行为特征、会话时间间隔特征以及购物网站使用特征,并探究行为背后的情境、原因和动力。【方法】基于某电商网站4 285个用户的1 409 160条访问日志,利用顺序分析和聚类分析方法挖掘用户信息搜寻行为特征,结合访谈研究行为背后的情境、原因等影响因素。【结果】多会话网购用户信息需求并不急切,较之搜索更倾向于查看商品详情;平均会话时间间隔为3-4天;继续原来购物任务的动力包括个人偏好、需求状态、支付能力、时间等方面的因素;用户主要通过搜索、购物车、收藏夹、同店或同款商品浏览、商品个性化推荐等途径回到原来购物任务。【局限】访谈结果受样本数量限制,不具有普适性。【结论】有助于理解用户的复杂网购行为,指导购物网站提高服务质量,改善用户体验。
【Objective】 The purpose of this study is to study the behavior characteristics of e-commerce users in the process of multi-session online shopping, the characteristics of session time interval and the characteristics of shopping websites, and explore the situations, causes and motives behind the behaviors. 【Method】 Based on 1 409 160 access logs of 4 285 users of an e-commerce website, sequential and cluster analysis methods were used to explore the characteristics of user information search behavior, and the interviews were conducted to study the influencing factors such as context and causes. 【Results】 The results of the multi-session online shopping user information needs are not urgent, compared with the search more likely to view product details; the average session time interval of 3-4 days; to continue the power of the original shopping tasks, including personal preferences, demand status, ability to pay, time And other factors; users mainly through the search, shopping cart, favorites, same-store or the same paragraph browsing, personalization of goods recommended way back to the original shopping tasks. Limitations The interview results are limited by the number of samples and do not have universal applicability. 【Conclusion】 It is helpful to understand the complex online shopping behavior of users, guide shopping websites to improve service quality and improve user experience.