今年以来,平朔涉外税务局结合新版发票的换发工作,实行了领发货票收取抵押金制度和缴旧领新的发票管理办法。实行以后,全局所管辖的平朔矿区再无发生发货票乱开、转借、丢失、毁损现象,各纳税户纳税意识和征管质量明显提高,纳税申报和税款入库进度明显加快,偷税漏税现象明显减少。其具体做法是: 一、收取抵押金:1.全民、集体单位预缴发票抵押
Since the beginning of this year, Pingshuo Foreign Inland Revenue Department combined with the renewal work of the new version of invoice has implemented the management method of receiving the mortgage payment system and paying the old invoice for new invoices. After the implementation of the overall control of Pingshuo mine no longer occur disorderly open invoices, loans, loss, damage, the taxpayer tax awareness and quality of collection increased significantly, tax returns and tax storage significantly faster progress, tax evasion The phenomenon is obviously reduced. The specific approach is: First, collect the mortgage: 1. All the people, collective units prepaid invoices mortgage