An integration depending on the parameter Ф hasbeen applied to the function Фdx so that an explicitformula of specific pressure calculation and an analyticals
This paper presents the results of an investiga-tion of the effect of hydrogen treatment onmicrostructures and tensile and low cycle fatigueproperties of a Ti-6
“色彩好多,快乐好多”佳能(Canon)IXUS相机2011年的广告词,不但让人记住了莫文蔚的魅惑长腿,也让越来越多的人在走路时拿起相机肆意扫街。IxUS系列机型操作简单,新手也能用它们拍出不错的照片,至于是否喜欢摄影、是否足够专业之类的问题就抛诸脑后吧,本期来到Ml评测室的lXUS 220 HS和IXUS 115 HS正是其中两款特点鲜明的机型,这两位外表与功能同样出“色”的相机,它们降世的目的
A mathematical model to predict the operation behaviours of the rotary kiln process and to describe theaxial distribution of process variables along the length
Introducing N<sub>2</sub> during sputtering andpre-oxidation of substrate were investigatedto improve the adhesion of sputtered TiC coatingto steel substrate. T
1.Origins and DevelopmentHuazhong University of Science andTechnology(H.U.S.T.)is one of the leadinguniversities in China directly under the StateCommission for