【摘 要】
The Author describes a late Roman or medieval human skeleton found ina secondary position during the excavations carried out at the Early Bronze age site ofS.Salvatore di Ostiano(Cremona).
The Author describes a late Roman or medieval human skeleton found ina secondary position during the excavations carried out at the Early Bronze age site ofS.Salvatore di Ostiano(Cremona).
6-苄基嘌呤(BA),玉米素和激动素引起黄瓜(cucumsis sativus,品种:津研4号)子叶的张开。其它的植物生长调节剂,如赤霉酸(GA_3),吲乙酸(IAA),乙烯,脱落酸(ABA),以及有关化合物,如 KCl 和腺嘌呤均无此作用。BA 的浓度在0.01ppm 时也能产生这一效应。因此这一作用能作细胞分裂素生物鉴定的定性方法。KCl 对细胞分裂素诱导的子叶张开效应有增效的作用。在去根下胚
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Circaetus gallicus-specie che in Europa esercita attivita specialmentenellarea delle sclerofille sempreverdi e delle latifoglie eliofile——e lunico Falconiformepaleartico che si nutre quasi esclusivame
Alia sommita delle eolline moreniehe di M.S.Zeno,M.S.Giorgio.M,Fogliuto,che appartengono alla cerehia piu esterna dellAnfiteatro gardense,nei pressidi Carpenedolo,sono stati rinvenuti alcuni reperti e
The Early Bronze Age settlement at Ostiano S.Salvatore is located on afluvial terrace at the confluence of the rivers Oglio and Mella.The site produced evidenceof an archaeological layer,pits and post