The cultivars of this study were Pioneer 783 with total leaf number of 19, which was sandy loam soil under the fully automatic rain shelter. By controlling the amount of water spray, the soil moisture of the control area of normal water supply was close to the field capacity, and the water supply of the arid area was stopped for 18 days when the 14th leaf extended. The flow rate of juice in the stems of corn plants was continuously monitored by a modified heat balance method to directly determine the transpiration rate of the whole plant and the daily transpiration of the canopy. The results showed that the transpiration rate was mainly controlled by meteorological factors such as solar radiation when the soil water content approached the field water holding capacity and changed in parallel with the evapotranspiration potential. When the soil water content decreased to 75% of the normal moisture content, the transpiration rate Rapid decline, no longer reflect the impact of meteorological factors. Compared with the leaf stomatal conductance, leaf curl index and plant growth rate determined simultaneously, the transpiration rate of whole plant can more accurately reflect the relationship between plant and soil moisture.