
来源 :电影评介 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bartech
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前些时,读一份报纸,有人面对部分国产影片存在平庸、粗制滥造现象,曾著文呼吁评选一年中的最差影片,设立所谓“最差影片奖”。作者意图很明显,旨在鞭策电影厂家和电影工作者对观众负责,少出或不出平庸低劣的影片,促进中国电影事业突飞猛进。“良药苦口利于病,忠言逆耳利于行。”评选最差影片的呼吁,乍听有些逆耳,细思,堪称忠言。记得《经济日报》曾披露过这样一件事,轻工部面对众多消费者对某些家电产品怨声载道的情况,以及不断收到的反映部分厂家产品质量低劣的诉状准备在京召开“劣质产品展览会”。消息传出,一些厂家颇有些“作贼心虚”,立即派出技术人员组织质量包修小组进京,为顾客服务上门,以图挽回影响。从这件事可以看出,伪劣商品的生产者最怕社会舆论,生怕坏事传千里砸了牌子饭碗,众矢之的遭广大消费者白眼。在社会主义初级阶段,电影作为一种精神商品,不仅要讲经济效益,还要讲社会效 Some time ago, when reading a newspaper, some people face some mediocre and abusive phenomena in some domestically produced films. They have called for the selection of the worst film of the year and the so-called “worst film award.” The author’s intention is clear, with the aim of encouraging movie makers and filmmakers to be accountable to the audience, with little or no mediocre films, and promoting the rapid development of the Chinese film industry. “Good medicine bitter mouth is good for disease, and good advice is good for you.” The appeal to select the worst film may at first glance be somewhat counter-argumentative and thought-provoking. I remember “Economic Daily” had disclosed such a thing, the Ministry of Light Industry in the face of many consumers complained about the situation of some home appliances, as well as the continuous receipt of complaints that some manufacturers reflect the poor quality of products in Beijing to prepare the “inferior products exhibition meeting”. The news came out that some manufacturers quite some “for a guilty conscience”, immediately sent a team of technicians to repair the quality of the team to Beijing, customer service home, in an attempt to restore the impact. It can be seen from this incident that producers of fake and shoddy goods are most afraid of public opinions and are afraid of causing bad news and smashed brand jobs. In the primary stage of socialism, movie, as a kind of spiritual product, should not only talk about economic benefits but also social effects
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2001年3月1日,县邮政局启用4种风景日戳。设计者为范芳碧、田建平。 虚公塔院 在云居山云居寺(真如禅寺)。虚云法师 March 1, 2001, county post office enabled four kind
如果说英格兰是足球之母的话,那么乌拉圭就可以称得上足球之父,这个南美洲的强队曾经夺得过首届世界杯(1930年)及 1950年世界杯的冠军。但是从1990年以后,他们就再也没有进入到世界杯的殿