熊熊燃烧的亚运圣火已经熄灭,比赛场上那扣人心弦的竞技场景,为胜利者升旗奏歌时那激动人心的号声和掌声都已消逝。11亿国人、33亿亚细亚人以至全世界人民瞩目的16个日日夜夜,作为五彩缤纷的历史一页,将深深镌刻在亿万人的记忆里。 “亚运精神永存!”“亚运效率常在!”无数人的心境和目光,时下从四面八方汇集到一个焦点:瞩望“亚运后”! 亚运盛会给人们带来了什么?又给了人们
The burnt Asian Games torch has been extinguished, the gripping competitive scene on the court, the exciting trumpets and applause of the winners flag-raising have vanished. The 16 days and nights that 1.1 billion people, 3.3 billion Asians and even people in the world have noticed will be deeply engraved on the memories of hundreds of millions of people as a colorful historical page. “The spirit of the Asian Games forever!” “Asian Games efficiency often!” Countless people’s mood and attention, nowadays gathered from all directions to a focus: Looking “after the Asian Games!” Asian Games event brought to people what? Has been given to people