Forbes.com 网站最新评选出最安全家用 MPV 车款,KIA Sedona凭借 NHTSA(全国高速公路交通安全局)的五星碰撞成绩、IIHS(高速公路安全保险机构)给出的“良好”成绩,当仁不让地获得此项殊荣。事实上,Forbes.com 的此项称号经历种种严格测试:包括车辆是否具有基本的电子稳定控制系统、每排座椅旁的侧气帘保护、良好的碰撞测试表现及高度可靠性。作为 KIA 目前的旗舰级 MPV,这一代的 Sedona 无论长轴或短轴版,都表现得有过之而无不及:另外还有四信道四传感器防抱死刹车系统(ABS+EBD)、牵引力控制系统(TCS)、刹车辅助系统(BAS)及胎压检测系统(TPMS)。
Forbes.com’s latest selection of the safest home MPV cars, KIA Sedona, with its NHTSA five-star collision results and IIHS (Highway Safety Insurance Agency)’s “good” scores, do their part Get this award. In fact, the title of Forbes.com goes through a series of rigorous tests including whether the vehicle has a basic electronic stability control, side curtain protection beside each seat row, good crash test performance and high reliability. As KIA’s current flagship MPV, this generation of Sedona delivers even worse performance for both long and short axis versions: four-channel, four-sensor anti-lock braking system (ABS + EBD), traction control System (TCS), brake assist system (BAS) and tire pressure detection system (TPMS).