常人说“十年磨一剑”,我这个笨人的这把“剑” (《中国美学之旅》)可整整磨了二十年。 写这本书,缘起于最初自己想读这类书。60年代初,朱光潜先生的《西方美学史》出版,别人不知怎样,对于我这个毕业不久的大学文科生,却不啻一件惊天动地的大事。我迫不及待地买了来
Ordinary people say that “a sword is worn for ten years.” This stupid “sword” (“journey of Chinese aesthetics”) can be completely worn for twenty years. Write this book, from the initial want to read these books. In the early 1960s, Mr. Zhu Guangqian’s “History of Western Aesthetics” was published. Some people do not know how to do so. I can not wait to buy it