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随着经济的发展和人民群众生活水平的日益提高,人民群众对精神生活提出了更高的要求。群众性的文化娱乐、健身休闲活动日益增多。作为新农村文化建设基本构件之一的广场,也理所当然地成为人民群众休闲娱乐的自由空间。因此,广场的建设与使用,为广场文化逐渐成为我国大部分新农村建设中最活跃的文化娱乐与休闲方式。广场文化的发展,对城乡经济的发展和物质文明建设都发挥着精神动力和智力支持的作用。因此广场文化活动将会在人民群众业余文化生活中占有十分重要的地位。 With the economic development and the ever-increasing standard of living of the masses of the people, the masses of the people have placed higher demands on their spiritual lives. Mass cultural entertainment, fitness and leisure activities are increasing. As one of the basic components of the new rural cultural construction, the square, of course, has become the people’s leisure and recreational free space. Therefore, the construction and use of the square has gradually become the most active cultural, recreational and recreational way in the construction of most new rural areas in our country. The development of the square culture plays a role of spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the economic development of urban and rural areas and the building of material civilization. Therefore, the square cultural activities will occupy a very important position in the amateur cultural life of the masses.
资料与方法  1.一般资料:本组男6例,女4例;年龄61~82岁,平均年龄67.5岁,均有不同程度的黄疸,部分病人有发热、腹痛、恶心、呕吐或消瘦、皮肤瘙痒.全部病人根据B超、CT及ERCP,结合临床表现及实验室检查,部分经手术及病理证实.胆总管癌7例,肝总管癌2例,胰腺癌1例。