现在的MP3播放器可以说代表了一种时尚,从大小、形状和颜色,无一不展现出设计者的创意与个性。初次见到三星公司的Yepp YP-NDU MP3播放器,居然一眼没看出是什么东西。如果看到有人手里拿着一个造型奇特,小巧的播放设备,那你第一个就该想到MP3播放器。
The current MP3 player can be said to represent a fashion, from size, shape and color, all show the designer’s creativity and personality. For the first time I saw Samsung’s Yepp YP-NDU MP3 player, but I did not see anything at all. If you see someone holding a peculiar shape, compact playback device, then you think of the first MP3 player.