Masahiro Muromachi, a professor at Toyama University in Japan, visited Saint-Jean-de-Moore’s Aluminum Factory in Paris, France. The plant has 4,6,8,10 million amps, of which only 10 million amperes for the continuous insertion of self-roasting anodic electrolyzer, the other is the pre-baked tank. The prebake cell produces less soot than the upper slot. The plant does not set dust collection equipment, which is in the pechryzer owned aluminum plant is relatively old. The annual capacity of the plant is 70,000 tons of aluminum. The electrode and the anode rod are connected by a cast iron around the head and a layer of molten aluminum is sprayed on the surface of the electrode to reduce the consumption of the electrode. At present, the pros and cons of the prebake cell and the continuous self-baking cell are still under discussion. The plant out of the electrolytic aluminum is placed in a capacity of 20 tons of 4 clarification furnace for clarification,