在国内外一片大好形势的鼓舞下,在狠抓革命、猛促生产的高潮中,我厂在部、局上级党委的关怀下,在工厂党委的正确领导下,经过近两年的奋战,试制成功了TBD-100型电传打字机。 TBD-100型电传打字机为起止式纸页半电子电传打字机,是由电子电路进行编码、译码的,其停止脉冲宽度为基本脉冲宽度的1.5倍,装有自动识别、应答装置和自动关机电路,便于和电报交换机连
Inspired by a good situation both at home and abroad, in the climax of revolution and vigorous production, with the care of the party committee and the superior party committee, under the correct leadership of the party committee of the factory, after years of hard work and trial production Success TBD-100 telex typewriter. TBD-100 Typewriter for the beginning and ending of paper semi-electronic teletypewriter, is encoded by the electronic circuit, decoding, the stop pulse width of 1.5 times the basic pulse width, equipped with automatic identification, response devices and automatic Shutdown circuit, easy and telegraph switches