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国际大坝委员会(ICOLD)主席贾金生说,世界大坝委员会(WCD)报告(2001年)未强调大坝给社会带来的效益和进步以及对环境的改善,另外,报告提出的指导方针有些过于理想化。10 a过去了,国际大坝委员会认为,决不应该隐瞒、忽视或者低估项目开发所带来的不利影响。大坝及水电项目的建设和运行,不再被看作是单纯的科技问题,目前,它所涉及的范围已广泛地延伸到其他方面。对世界大坝委员会的会议报告发布10 a来的现今状况、大坝建设现状等作了简介。 Jia Jinsheng, chairman of the International Commission on Dams (ICOLD), said that the report of the World Commission on Dams (WCD) (2001) did not emphasize the social benefits and progress of dams and the improvement of the environment. In addition, the guidelines set out in the report were somewhat over-oriented Idealized. 10 a In the past, the International Commission on Dams considered that the negative impacts of project development should by no means be ignored, ignored or undervalued. The construction and operation of dams and hydropower projects are no longer seen as purely scientific and technological issues. At present, the scope of the dam and hydropower projects has been extended to other areas. Briefing on the current situation since the report of the meeting of the World Commission on Dams over the past 10 years and the current status of dam construction have been made.
鼻源性头痛包括鼻窦炎性及黏膜接触性头痛[1]。现将2007年3月~2008年1月47例接触性头痛患者诊治分析如下。1资料与方法1.1一般资料。2007年3月~200 Nasal headache, including
目的 调查海南岛黎族人群血小板抗原基因(human platelet alloantigens,HPA)1~17等位基因多态性,分析不同民族的差异,评估其在随机输血中供受者HPA不配合比例,为黎族人群临床
目的 探讨不同程度和频率间歇低氧(intermittent hypoxia,IH)对血管内皮细胞炎性反应的影响及规律.方法 将人脐静脉内皮细胞可传代细胞株ECV304植于培养舱,以模拟睡眠呼吸暂
目的 了解LPS受体CD14C-159T基因多态性对严重烧伤患者伤后高迁移率族蛋白B1(HMGB1)合成、释放的影响以及与脓毒症的关系.方法 采集35例烧伤总面积大于或等于30%TBSA患者伤后
患者女,47岁.2008年12月因双侧胸痛3个月,活动后气促半个月入院.检验结果显示,血CA125 1653.00 U/ml,胸水可找到腺癌细胞.胸部CT示,双侧胸腔大量积液,双肺体积缩小.
目的 建立适用于动眼神经损伤后神经再生及功能修复电生理研究的动物模型.方法 20只Beagle犬随机均分为单纯损伤组及损伤+刺激组.行右侧动眼神经海绵窦后段压榨损伤、颅内动
The erythropoietin receptor (EPOR) has shown to play an important role in fetal survival by promoting the maturation of red blood cells in many studies of uteri