
来源 :复旦学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ren198525
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教育与出版这两项人类活动,因为遵循着统一的文化发展规律而有着共同的历史渊源,虽经数千年各自独立的发展而形成了不同的制度体系,但在当今信息社会背景下正在重新走向融合。历史上,中外先贤出于对人类共同命运的关切,分别在这两个领域做出了丰富多彩的实践探索和精彩纷呈的理论总结。但是,因为受人类政治、经济、军事等活动的遮蔽,教育与出版活动长期处于幕后,因而对教育与出版活动的哲学思考亦显不足。这样的局面随着冷战的结束而有所改观。中国宋明理学中“理一分殊”的思想有助于我们在新的历史时期从哲学高度全面理解教育与出版的关系,也为我们把握教育与出版的未来发展趋势指示了方向。 The two human activities, education and publication, have common historical origins because they follow a unified law of cultural development. Although they have formed different institutional systems after thousands of years of independent development, they are being re-established in the current information society To fusion. Historically, the forebears both at home and abroad have made colorful practical explorations and brilliant theoretical summaries in these two fields out of their concern for the common destiny of mankind. However, because of being obscured by political, economic and military activities of humankind, education and publishing activities have long been behind the scenes. Therefore, there is not enough philosophical thinking on education and publishing activities. This situation has changed with the end of the cold war. The idea of ​​“one thing, one mind” in the Neo-Confucianism of Song Ming China helps us fully understand the relationship between education and publishing from a philosophical perspective in the new historical period and also points the way for us to grasp the future development trend of education and publishing.
摘要:通过分析就业的本质问题是竞争上岗问题,阐明只要存在职业能力的差异,优胜劣汰的问题将长期存在。根据人才成长的客观规律和社会对人才需求的特点,详细分析了专业人才的知识、能力、素质结构的内涵及其相互关系,井在此基础上对培养目标、教学方法、师资队伍和测评体系等方面的改革进行了探讨,以建立促进知识、能力和素质协调发展的人才培养方式,从而提高本科生的职业能力。  关键词:职业能力;素质教育;就业;知识-