本实验观察验证胰液有消化淀粉、蛋白质和脂肪的作用。实验材料:蟾蜍的胰腺、1%淀粉溶液,白色蛋花、食油、1%碳酸钠、10%氢氧化钾、1%硫酸铜。实验用品:解剖针、虹膜剪、虹膜镊,5毫升试管4个、滴管1个、玻璃板1小块。实验步骤: 1.将蟾蜍脑及脊髓捣毁,打开腹腔,先暴露胃和小
The experimental observation of pancreatic juice digestion of starch, protein and fat role. Experimental materials: Toad’s pancreas, 1% starch solution, white egg flower, cooking oil, 1% sodium carbonate, 10% potassium hydroxide, 1% copper sulfate. Experimental supplies: dissection needle, iris scissors, iris tweezers, 5 ml test tube 4, a dropper, a small piece of glass. Experimental steps: 1. Toad brain and spinal cord destroyed, open the abdominal cavity, the first exposure to the stomach and small