目的检测天津空港口岸中央空调冷却塔水是否被军团菌污染,并对消毒效果进行评价。方法 2014年8月,采集中央空调冷却塔水2份,采用平板培养计数法对水样中军团菌进行定性检测;用血清凝集实验对分离菌株进行血清群和血清型鉴定;应用多位点序列分型(Sequence based typing,SBT)对分离菌株进行分子分型;通过军团菌分离培养对消毒效果进行评价。结果 2份中央空调冷却塔水均为军团菌阳性,含菌量为600 CFU/ml。分离的军团菌为嗜肺军团菌1型,SBT型别为ST1型。消毒处理后采集的水样未检测到军团菌。结论该机场中央空调冷却塔水被军团菌污染且含菌量高,有感染人群的可能。消毒措施有效地消除了冷却塔水中的军团菌。提示应定期对冷却塔进行消毒处理并开展病原学监测。
Objective To detect whether the water of central air conditioning cooling tower in Tianjin Airport Port was contaminated by legionella, and to evaluate the disinfection effect. Methods In August 2014, 2 samples of central air-conditioner cooling tower water were collected, and qualitative and quantitative detection of Legionella in water sample was carried out by plate culture counting method. The serogroups and serotypes of the isolates were identified by serum agglutination test. Sequence based typing (SBT) was used to classify the isolates. The disinfection effect was evaluated by Legionella isolates. Results Both of the two central air-conditioning cooling tower water were positive for Legionella, with a bacterial count of 600 CFU / ml. Legionella pneumophila isolated Legionella pneumophila type 1, type SBT ST1. Legionella was not detected in water samples collected after disinfection. Conclusion The airport central air conditioning cooling tower water was contaminated Legionella bacteria and high bacteria content, the possibility of infection of the crowd. Disinfection measures effectively eliminate Legionella bacteria in the cooling tower water. Tip The cooling tower should be regularly disinfected and etiologically monitored.