在苏联解体20周年之际,美国耶鲁大学社会学系高级研究员伊曼纽尔·沃勒斯坦与《国际思想评论》(International CriticalThought)英文季刊编辑高静宇进行了有关列宁和列宁主义的对话,对话以英语进行,原文刊载于《国际思想评论》2012年第1期。在对话中,沃勒斯坦以当今的视角重新审视列宁和列宁主义,并回
On the 20th anniversary of the dissolution of the Soviet Union, Emmanuel Wallerstein, a senior fellow in the Department of Sociology at Yale University in the United States conducted a dialogue on Lenin and Leninism with Gao Jingyu, editor in chief of the International Critical Theory quarterly English, the original published in “International Thought Review” 2012 the first period. During the dialogue, Wallerstein re-examined Lenin and Leninism from the current perspective and returned