[讲述参考] 国庆节的晚上,热闹非凡。瞧!五彩缤纷的礼花在夜里开放。彩色的气球在空中飘荡,它向楼顶上的五星红旗说:“节日好!”一排排楼房穿上了五颜六色的彩灯做成的新衣。广场上的喷泉也尽情地跳着舞蹈。节日的晚上,男女老少都到广场上来了,有爷爷、奶奶、爸爸、妈妈、弟弟、妹妹,还有藏族、彝族、朝鲜族、维吾尔族的小朋友。广场的草地上,有的小朋友在观看礼花,有的拿着气球兴致勃勃地在玩。有个小弟弟骑在他爸爸的脖子上,观看各民族小朋友的
[About reference] National Day night, crowded. Look! Colorful fireworks are on at night. Colored balloons floating in the air, it said to the five-star flag on the roof: “a good holiday!” Row of buildings put on a colorful lantern made of new clothes. Square fountain also enjoy dancing. On the evening of the festival, all men, women and children came to the square with grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother and sister, as well as Tibetan, Yi, Korean and Uighur children. Square grass, some children watch fireworks, and some balloons to play in full spirits. There is a little brother riding on his father’s neck, watching the children of all ethnic groups