对于应把社会主义革命重心放在何处,马克思恩格斯对此问题的思考有一个前后转变过程。这种转变体现为革命重心由西方向东方的渐移。该转变大体以 19世纪 50年代末为界。前期的革命重心放在西欧发达国家,后期虽仍对发达国家寄予厚望,但其目光已开始转向东方落后国家。对这一转变过程的分析,能为当今两制互动的世界现实找到一些历史诠释,由此对世界社会主义前景作出简单预测。
There should be a process of change in the thinking of Marx and Engels on the question of where the socialist revolution should be devoted. This transformation manifests itself in the gradual shift of the revolutionary center of gravity from west to east. The shift was largely in the late 1850s. The pre-revolutionary focus on developed countries in Western Europe, although the latter still have high hopes for developed countries, but its eyes have begun to turn backward countries in the east. The analysis of this process of change can find some historical explanation for the reality of today’s world of interaction between two systems, thus making a simple prediction of the prospects of world socialism.