法国哲学家德里达逝世了。在得知这一消息后 ,正在中国访问的法国总统希拉克向媒体表示 :德里达是当代法国最重要的哲学家之一 ,他的思想深刻影响了法国今天的知识界。欧美各大报纸都对德里达一生的学术成就给予高度评价 ,称他是 1 96 8年参加巴黎学生运动一代哲学精英中的最后
The French philosopher Derrida passed away. After learning of this news, French President Jacques Chirac visiting China said to the media: Derrida is one of the most important philosophers in contemporary France. His thinking has profoundly affected the intellectual world in France today. The major newspapers in Europe and the United States all spoke highly of Derrida’s academic achievement throughout his life, calling him the last of the 966 participating in the Paris student movement generation of philosophical elites