提出了一种透射型彩色全息图的拍摄与再现方法 ,并将其用于设计制作彩色全息广告灯箱。讨论了制作彩色全息广告灯箱中的若干问题和解决方法。用此种方法所显示的图像突出了物体的三维立体感和原有色彩 ,它将为高质量彩色立体广告灯箱的制作提供一种新的方法和途径
A method of capturing and reproducing transmissive color hologram is proposed and used to design a color holographic advertising light box. Discussed the production of color holographic advertising light box in a number of problems and solutions. The image displayed by this method highlights the three-dimensional sense of the object and the original color, which will provide a new method and means for the production of high-quality color stereo advertising light box