The development of science and technology has never been such an exercise in relation to deep ethical relations as it is today. It has never been the case today. It is not only about the pattern of human interests, the quality of life, and the value of life, but also has a direct bearing on the prospects of human development. At the same time, In the context of globalization, the paradox of science and technology-economy and ethics has never been as prominent and haunted as humans today, so that people have reached a high degree of recognition. In order to go beyond the paradox of science and technology - economy and ethics, to advocate ecological ethics and ecological ethics not only becomes an ethical identity, but also becomes an ethical practice with far-reaching significance and difficult progress. Therefore, to study the paradox of science and technology-economy and ethics in the context of globalization and its transcendence path has profound practical significance, historical significance and ethical value in promoting the coordinated and sustainable development of man-nature-society-science and technology economy .