
来源 :中外葡萄与葡萄酒 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lll2518
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利用华东葡萄(Vitispseudoreticulata)与佳利酿(Carignane)杂交,从其后代中选出了一个生长势极强的单株,其根系发达,扦插育苗成活率为45% ~55.8% 。作为砧木与藤稔等葡萄品种嫁接亲和力强,试验表明,华佳8 号与藤稔这一砧穗组合的幼树生长势极强,总生长量是常规巨峰砧藤稔的3.7 倍,有明显的乔化作用。5 年累计亩产量是巨峰砧的1.5 倍,果穗与果实品质均超过巨峰砧。笔者认为华佳8 号是藤稔葡萄较为理想的砧木品种。 With the hybrids of Vitis pseudoreticulata and Carignane, one single plant with strong growth potential was selected from its progeny. The root system developed and the survival rate of cuttage seedling was 45% -55.8%. As a rootstock and Fujiminori Grape varieties such as grafting affinity, the test showed that the combination of Huajia 8 and rattan angels saplings strong growth potential, the total growth was 3.7 times the conventional giant peak Antelope rattan, there are obvious Joe’s role. The accumulated mu production in 5 years is 1.5 times of that of Jufeng anvil, and the fruit and spike quality of fruit are all higher than that of Jufeng Anvil. I believe that No. 8 Hua Jia Fujia grapes is an ideal rootstock varieties.