2月24日上午,北京钓鱼台国宾馆俱乐部,灯火通明。“’94中国保护消费者杯”颁奖大会在这里隆重举行。老将军伍修权,全国人大副委员长王光英、吴阶平、程思远等老前辈在主席台前排就座,并亲自授奖。在一阵阵雄壮的乐曲和热烈掌声中,湖南省药政局监督科科长龙灿辉走到主席台前,作为“中国保护消费者杯”全国10名得主之一,他怀着激动的心情,虔诚地接过锃亮的奖杯,并代表10名得主发言。仅10分钟的讲话,数次被潮水般的掌声打断。20多名记者的摄影镜头齐唰唰地对着他。 年届花甲的龙灿辉手捧金光灿灿
On the morning of February 24, Beijing Diaoyutai State Guesthouse Club, brightly lit. “’94 China Consumer Protection Cup Award Presentation Ceremony was held here. Veteran Wu Xiuquan, NPC Vice Chairman Wang Guangying, Wu Jieping, Cheng Siyuan and other veterans seated in front of the podium and personally award. In a burst of magnificent music and warm applause, the Hunan Provincial Bureau of Health Supervision Section Long Canhui walked to the podium, as the ”China Consumer Protection Cup," one of the 10 winners of the country, with his excited mood, piety Took over the shiny trophy, and on behalf of the 10 winners. Only 10 minutes of speech, interrupted several times by the tide of applause. More than 20 journalist’s photographic lens in front of him. Anniversary of the Dragon Carnival glittering hand