大卫·图阿 无奈说再见

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新西兰汉密尔顿克劳兰德兹竞技场,一座可容纳6000名观众的体育娱乐中心,因简约大方的外观和别具一格的C型观众席在当地闻名遇迩。201 3年11月1 6日,该国著名拳手大卫·图阿重返拳坛,这也是他时隔两年后的首场比赛。“萨摩亚勇士”图阿自2009年开始5场比赛有4场是在自已的祖国进行,因此熟悉这里的场馆和热爱这里的狂热拳迷。时至今日,昔日的“泰森二世”已不复当年的棱角和锐气,取而代之的是臃肿的身型和略显木讷的神情。众所周知,图阿数年来一直生活在苦闷和无奈之中,原本他有一个令人看好的前途,但是在2003年事业却开始走低,这主要缘于和前教练凯文·巴里、前财务经理马丁·皮尤的经济纠纷,结果这场军团成员间的官司打成一场旷日持久的拉锯战。在数年的光景中,图阿的精力完全不能专注于比赛,这样的后果就是逐渐退出了一线行列,加上年龄的增长,使得他很难再和离水平的拳手进行离质量的比赛了。图阿原计划对峙同胞比尔·威廉姆斯,也联系了曾挑战过小克的波兰 New Zealand Hamilton Claude Randers Arena, a sports and entertainment center that can accommodate 6,000 spectators, because of simple and elegant appearance and unique C-type auditorium near the local famous. 201 On November 16, 2003, David Tuah, the famous boxer in the country, returned to the boxing ring, the first race of his time after two years. “Samoa Warriors ” Tua four games since 5 games in 2009 in their own country, so familiar with the venues here and enthusiasts fan enthusiasts here. Today, the old “Tyson II ” is no longer the edges and corners of the year, replaced by the bloated body and slightly dull look. As we all know, Tuah has been living in depression and helplessness for years, and originally he had a promising future, but his career began to decline in 2003, mainly due to former coach Kevin Barry, former financial manager Martin Pew’s economic dispute, the result of the lawsuit among the members of the legion into a protracted tug of war. In a few years’ time Tu’ua’s energies have been unable to concentrate exclusively on competition, and as a result the gradual withdrawal from the ranks and the increase of his age have made it very difficult for him to compete with quality boxers even further. Tua planned to confront his compatriot Bill Williams and also contacted Poland, who had challenged Little Kerry