中国通信学会微波通信专业委员会于1981年7月14~17日在上海召开了国内卫星通信网体制专题学术讨论会。会上宣读和讨论了有关我国国内卫星通信系统、体制、制式及其技术与经济比较,计算机辅助卫星通信系统规划等方面的技术方案,论文和专题报告。 讨论内容可归纳为四个问题: 1.关于我国国内卫星通信的多址方式问题。认为宜先采用SCPC方式,后发展按需分配方式较好。因
China Communications Society Microwave Communications Committee held in July 1981 in Shanghai from July 14 to 17 in the domestic satellite communications network system seminars. At the meeting read and discussed on China’s domestic satellite communications systems, systems, standards and technology and economic comparison, computer-aided satellite communications system planning aspects of the technical programs, papers and special reports. The content of the discussion can be summarized into four questions: 1. Multiple-access methods for China’s domestic satellite communications. It is appropriate to adopt SCPC mode first, then develop the better distribution mode according to need. because