多米尼加共和国是中美洲加勒比地区最大的经济实体,人均国内生产总值2400美元。国土面积约4.85万余平方公里,比我国台湾省多1万多平方公里,但人口只有867万左右。因此,对土地有特殊感情的中国人来此赚钱后,就大片置地,搞房地产,早已乐而忘返。多米尼加位于加勒比海的大安第列斯群岛,在伊斯帕略拉岛的东部,与海地共和国为邻。该地区为亚热带气候,年平均温度26℃,一年有两个雨季,一个在5月-7月, 另一个在10月-11月。
The Dominican Republic is the largest economic entity in Central America and the Caribbean with a per capita GDP of 2,400 U.S. dollars. Land area of about 48,500 square kilometers, more than China’s Taiwan Province more than 10,000 square kilometers, but the population is only about 8.67 million. Therefore, after Chinese people who have special feelings for the land come to make money, they have landed on vast areas and engaged in real estate. Dominican Republic The Greater Antilles in the Caribbean, east of Ispailal Island and adjacent to the Republic of Haiti. The area is subtropical with an average annual temperature of 26 ° C, with two rainy seasons a year, one in May-July and the other in October-November.