拓宽校外教育渠道 促进学生健康成长

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随着新一轮课程改革的进一步深入,传统教育的弊端日见彰显,学生自主能力差、依赖性强、缺乏创新精神和实践能力。因此,我校充分发挥校外教育的育人功能,加强领导,明确校外教育思路;搭建平台,拓宽校外教育渠道;评价激励,延伸校外教育成效,积极营造和谐育人氛围,促进学生健康成长。加强领导,明确校外教育思路校外教育是学校实施素质教育的重要组成部分,是联系学校教育、家庭教育和社会教育的桥梁和纽带,是培养 With the deepening of the new round of curriculum reform, the drawbacks of traditional education are manifesting day by day. The students have poor autonomy, strong dependence and lack of innovative spirit and practical ability. Therefore, our school gives full play to the educational function of extra-curricular education, strengthens leadership and clarifies the thinking of off-campus education, sets up a platform to broaden the channels of extra-curricular education, evaluates incentives and extends the effectiveness of extra-curricular education, and actively creates a harmonious atmosphere for educating and promoting the healthy growth of students. Strengthening Leadership and Defining Off-campus Education Ideas Off-campus education is an important part of implementing quality education in schools and a bridge and link between school education, family education and social education,
心血管疾病是终末期肾脏病 (ESRD)患者最常见的并发症。ESRD患者心血管疾病的病死率是一般人群的 16 6~ 17 7倍。据美国肾脏病资料系统(USRDS) 1999年统计 ,由心血管疾病所致的死亡占ESRD总病
1 临床资料患者男,25岁,汉族,已婚,抚州市临川区云山镇农民,因肛门排白色面条样物1年而就诊。患者于2006年5月发现大便中有白色面条样东西排出,且此物常会自行逸出肛门。排便前有腹
<正> 电化学知识在中学化学中占有一定比重,而原电池原理又是电化学知识的基础。由于这部分知识内容比较抽象、难懂,使学生感到难以理解和掌握。在多年的教学实践中,我体会到