David Gwyther是一位伦敦的平面设计师,他拥有自己的工作室——Death Spray Customs,专门从事自行车整车及零配件的设计和创作。与众不同的是,这五年来他一直采用一种非传统式自行车美学观念,所完成的设计非常有趣,而不是一板一眼的传统设计。在伦敦,自行车仍被视为一种时尚配饰,这与中国的情形显然大不相同;尽管如此,David Gwyther的工作室仍是伦敦唯一一
David Gwyther is a London graphic designer who owns his own studio, Death Spray Customs, specializing in the design and creation of bicycle and spare parts. The difference is that for the past five years he has been using a non-traditional bicycle aesthetics concept, the design is very interesting, rather than a glance of the traditional design. In London, bicycles are still considered a fashion accessory, which is obviously very different from the situation in China; however, David Gwyther’s studio is still the only one in London