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一、法典化的新时代欧洲过去的数十年以来,损害赔偿法(在本文中即侵权责任法——译者注)在特别法,尤其是判例的基础上获得发展。但在最近的几年中,不断涌现了有关损害赔偿法的全面改革,其中有些根植于整个民法的法典化工作,而有些则在损害赔偿法自身的框架内展开。葡萄牙民法典[1]与荷兰民法典在欧洲开启了新民法典的序幕。经过较长时间停滞,法典化的努力在中欧和东 A New Age of Codification Europe In the past decades, the law of damages (in this case, the Tort Liability Act) has been developed on the basis of lex specialis, especially jurisprudence. In recent years, however, there has been a steady stream of reforms in the law of damages, some of which are rooted in the codification of civil law as a whole and others in the framework of the Damages Act itself. The Portuguese Civil Code [1] and Dutch Civil Code opened the New Civil Code in Europe. After a long period of stagnation, codification efforts are taking place in Central and Eastern Europe