一 事业背景 从20余年前,世界各国就进入了非常激烈的技术竞争时代,从那时起,一些国家就已开始为提高国家资源信息化的竞争力,拟订本国的战略。美国、欧洲和日本等发达国家,为实现全面的信息化,已完成了信息高速公路建设事业。韩国也在1993年以后开展了超高速信息通信基础设施的建
A Career Background Since more than 20 years ago, all countries in the world have entered a very competitive era of technological competition. Since then, some countries have started to formulate their own strategies to enhance the competitiveness of national resources informatization. Developed countries such as the United States, Europe and Japan have completed the construction of the information expressway in order to realize comprehensive informationization. South Korea also started construction of a very high-speed information and communication infrastructure since 1993