早春天气低温多雨,它是影响春播花生出苗,左右春花生产量高低的主要因素。为解决这一问题,1986年笔者在万福乡万福村推行芽苗移栽新技术,集中连片种植春花生170.30亩,8月2日前收获完毕。经省、地、县业务部门核产,平均每亩收干果450斤,有1/3的田块达500斤,最高亩产达600斤,比上年种水稻平均亩产600斤每亩增收130元以上,经济效益翻番。 春花生芽苗移栽的优点
Early spring weather is cold and rainy, it is the main factor affecting the spring sowing peanut emergence, about the level of spring flower production. In order to solve this problem, in 1986, I implemented the new technology of bud seedling transplanting in Wanfu Village, Wanfu Township, focusing on 170.30 mu of spring peanuts in contiguous planting and harvesting before August 2. By the provincial, prefectural and county business unit of nuclear production, received an average of 450 kg per mu of dried fruits, 1/3 of the field up to 500 pounds, the maximum per mu up to 600 kg, an average of more than the previous year’s rice yield of 600 kg per mu increase 130 yuan more than doubled economic benefits. The advantages of spring peanut sprout transplanting