Unit Test Data Generation for C Using Rule-Directed Symbolic Execution

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ydahu
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Unit testing is widely used in software development. One important activity in unit testing is automatic test data generation. Constraint-based test data generation is a technique for automatic generation of test data, which uses symbolic execution to generate constraints. Unit testing only tests functions instead of the whole program, where individual functions typically have preconditions imposed on their inputs. Conventional symbolic execution cannot detect these preconditions, let alone converting these preconditions into constraints. To overcome these limitations, we propose a novel unit test data generation approach using rule-directed symbolic execution for dealing with functions with missing input preconditions. Rule-directed symbolic execution uses predefined rules to detect preconditions in the individual function, and generates constraints for inputs based on preconditions. We introduce implicit constraints to represent preconditions, and unify implicit constraints and program constraints into integrated constraints. Test data generated based on integrated constraints can explore previously unreachable code and help developers find more functional faults and logical faults. We have implemented our approach in a tool called CTS-IC, and applied it to real-world projects. The experimental results show that rule-directed symbolic execution can find preconditions (implicit constraints) automatically from an individual function. Moreover, the unit test data generated by our approach achieves higher coverage than similar tools and efficiently mitigates missing input preconditions problems in unit testing for individual functions.
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