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佤族是我国跨境少数民族之一,主要与缅甸、泰国等东南亚国家跨境而居。1960年10月1日,我国人民政府与缅甸正式签订《中缅边界条约》,阿佤山区一部分划入我国,另一部分划归缅甸,这才使佤族正式成为我国和云南省跨境而居的少数民族之一。这一历史根源,决定了不论是我国还是缅甸等东南亚国家的佤族,他们的传统节日基本上是相同的。但是,成为跨境民族之后,由于国度不同,加之世界现代化的冲击和影响,不论是我国的还是缅甸的佤族,他们的传统节日被赋予了许多新的特点和时代内涵。 The Wa nationality is one of the cross-border ethnic minorities in China, mainly living with Southeast Asian countries such as Myanmar and Thailand. On October 1, 1960, the People’s Government of our country and Myanmar formally signed the Treaty of Sino-Burmese Boundary. Part of Wawa’s mountain area was placed in our country and part of it was placed on Burma. This made the Wa people officially become a cross-border homeland between Yunnan and our country One of the ethnic minorities. This historical source has determined that the traditional festivals of the Wa ethnic groups in Southeast Asia, whether in our country or Myanmar, are basically the same. However, after becoming a cross-border ethnic group, their traditional festivals have been given many new features and time connotations due to their different nationalities and the impact and influence of the world’s modernization. Both the Chinese and Burmese Wa ethnic groups have enjoyed their prosperity.
我们每个人从小或多或少都被灌输了一种“完美模式”。  考上名校,继续考上名校或者是考上公务员,然后就齐家治国平天下,分分钟上下几千万。名校又名校的年轻人发现,回国以后还是要一样从零开始找工作。  但是反观那些善于吃喝玩乐的人,你后桌上蹿下跳插科打诨的阿强,成了段子手,当上了月入50万元的广告狗。隔壁班的学渣改名叫Marinda,成了时尚博主,全球各地看秀买鞋飞啊飞。  世界那么大,我想看一看。哎,