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面对愈演愈烈的全球金融危机,胡锦涛总书记在中共中央政治局的第九次集体学习中指出,当前,国际金融危机继续扩散和蔓延,我国发展的外部条件更趋复杂。在一个时期内,我们将突出面临国际金融危机影响持续加深、全球经济增长明显放缓的压力,突出面临外部需求显著减少、我国传统竞争优势逐步减弱的压力,突出面临国际竞争日趋激烈、投资和贸易保护主义上升的压力,突出面临人口资源环境约束不断增强、转变经济发展方式要求更为迫切的压力。为了应对全球金融危机,国家出台一系列政策扶持中小企业及出口企业,并以大手笔的投资规模促进内需。本刊编辑了与家具业相关的一些政策,供企业参考。 Faced with the escalating global financial crisis, General Secretary Hu Jintao pointed out in the Ninth Collective Study of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee that at present, the international financial crisis has continued to spread and spread. The external conditions for our country’s development have become more complicated. In a period of time, we will face the pressure of continued deepening of the global financial crisis and obvious slowdown of global economic growth. We will face the pressure of a marked reduction in external demand and the gradual weakening of China’s traditional competitive advantage. We will face the increasingly fierce international competition and investment and The pressure of rising trade protectionism highlights the ever-increasing pressure of constraining population and resources and environmental constraints and transforming the mode of economic development. In response to the global financial crisis, the government issued a series of policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises and export enterprises and boosted domestic demand with generous investment. Our editors and furniture industry-related policies for business reference.
今年6月,日本的LE-7发动机试验多次失败,并毁坏了LE-7的一台试验样机。 对这次事故的初步调查发现,其原因是连接液氢涡轮泵与主喷嘴的一个弯管上的焊缝处温度过高,致使铬镍
This paper describes a new method which has been developed for the solution of direct and inverse problemsof 3-D compressible flows in turbomachinery.Two types
伊拉克的航天机构包括伊拉克航天研究中心(ISRC)和国家电信局。ISRC下属科学研究委员会,位于马格达。 外界对伊拉克的航天活动知之甚少,只是在其1990年入侵科威特之前,新闻
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法国政府同意阿里安航天公司在1993年末发射法国 Helios 军事侦察卫星。Helios 侦察卫星是阿里安航天公司在1990年订单中的第10颗卫星载荷。也是今年2月阿里安V36发射失败以