
来源 :金田 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:songsiliang
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传统文化的异化,人文精神的泯灭,已成为当今时代十分尖锐的社会问题。教育是中华文明继承和发扬的重要手段,广大教育工作者应清醒地认识到这一点,而语文教师更应该深刻反思。高中语文教育要充分发挥语文的育人功能,而高中语文教材中的古文选文蕴含着丰富的传统文化因素和中华民族精神。因此,在古文的阅读教学中,要增强文化意识,为形成一定的传统文化底蕴奠定基础。通过对古文选文中古代文化的学习,来激发中华文化寻根的兴趣,提高学生的思想道德修养,形成积极的人生观和价值观。本文从人教版高中语文必修教材古文选文《陈情表》之孝敬之道入手,来谈高中语文古文中传统文化在阅读教学中的渗透。 The alienation of traditional culture and the dehumanization of the humanistic spirit have become very acute social problems in our times. Education is an important means for the succession and development of Chinese civilization. The majority of educators should clearly recognize this and Chinese teachers should reflect deeply. Chinese language education in senior high schools should bring into full play the function of educating people in Chinese language. However, the classical Chinese texts in high school Chinese teaching materials contain rich traditional and cultural elements and the spirit of the Chinese nation. Therefore, in the reading teaching of classical Chinese, we should enhance the cultural awareness and lay the foundation for the formation of a certain traditional culture. Through the study of the ancient culture in classical Chinese essay, we can stimulate the interest of Chinese culture root-seeking, improve students’ ideological and moral cultivation and form a positive outlook on life and values. This article starts from the way of filial piety of ancient poems of Chen Gui table in ancient Chinese textbooks of Chinese compulsory textbooks of PEP to discuss the penetration of traditional culture in reading comprehension in high school Chinese classical essays.
1 临床资料 患者为男性运输机飞行员,年龄36岁,飞行总时间700h。于2002年1月26日中午进餐时,感左上、下肢乏力,未找航医就诊。次日晨起仍感左上、下肢活动受限,即到地方医院