聚焦语用 本真阅读——批注式阅读与学生语文实践能力的提高

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阅读是语文之魂,阅读教学一直以来都受到语文老师的重视,但学生仅仅阅读是不够的,教师还要教给学生有效的阅读方法。近年来进行了“批注式阅读”的研究,取得很好效果。遵循新课标的理念,强调学生的个性化阅读,从帮助学生打开阅读之门,教给学生批注之法,重视学生语用之魂四个层面阐述如何通过批注式阅读,有效提高学生的语文读写能力。 Reading is the soul of Chinese, reading teaching has always been the importance of language teachers, but students are not enough to read, teachers also teach students to effectively read the method. In recent years, conducted a “comment reading” research, and achieved good results. Follow the concept of the new curriculum standard, emphasizing the individual reading of students, from helping students open the door to reading, teaching students to annotate the law, emphasizing the pragmatic soul of students four levels elaborate how to improve the students’ Write ability.
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