Improving Students’EFL Writing Ability in Senior High Schools

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  Nowadays, communication between different nations and cultures increases dramatically. English, as an international language, is becoming more and more important and is used more and more widely in our daily life. As a result, English learning fever sweeps through China in those years. Particularly, students in senior high schools are trying every effort to improve their English competence because they know that English is not only a compulsory course in University Entrance Examination but also a tool in future career.
  At present, not a few senior high schools have adopted SEFC (Senior English for China) textbook as the teaching material. According to the New English Curriculum Standards for senior high schools, listening, speaking, reading and writing are four basic skills and requirements for the students. Reading and writing are the most important skills for students in senior high schools. That is to say, EFL writing is vital to our individual development. As a matter of fact, EFL (English as a foreign language) writing has been applied more and more in our English study and future career.
  However, we probably find that our EFL writing ability is not so encouraging and satisfactory though we have learned English for several years in primary and middle schools. Many of us still do a very poor job in applying English to express our ideas, thoughts, feelings, etc. in EFL writing. Some may even not able to produce a single correct sentence in EFL writing. We may share a same feeling that we actually have something to write and want to write, but we just cannot express it correctly and appropriately in English. Yet, most of us tend to treat reading and writing separately and unaware to combine writing with reading to improve our EFL writing ability. In fact, we read a lot of English materials in our English learning and do a nice job in reading comprehension.
  To change the poor performance in EFL writing and improve our writing ability, we are highly recommended to integrate writing with reading. Reading-to-writing approach advocates applying what we have learned in the reading materials to write. It can effectively enlarge the amount of vocabulary in the process of reading, provide us ideas and background knowledge for writing, improve our reading speed and quality, broaden our mind and show us how to use words, how to arrange sentences, how to organize compositions and how to achieve coherence and unity in EFL writing. In this way, we can improve our EFL writing ability effectively and efficiently.   Most of us are lack of sufficient EFL writing practice. In English learning, we have realized the importance of reading and paid much attention to improve our English reading comprehension ability, but we usually tend to ignore the training of English writing. Different from English reading, English writing, as a highly complex productive activity, is an activity that requires much more time and energy. So, we usually don’t feel like to write unless we are assigned to do so. Moreover, owing to the limitation of time and heavy learning tasks, a good many of us spare little time on English writing and develop no interest in EFL writing. Thus, it’s hard for us to form a habit of writing in our English learning. Consequently, we usually feel perplexed and confused when confronting EFL writing and do very poor jobs in our English writing. That’s why we are always afraid of EFL writing and get frustration in English writing. What’s worse, we are afraid of EFL writing due to insufficient practice and we don’t like to practice English writing for our fear of EFL writing. This is a vicious circle.
  To illustrate the effectiveness of reading-to-writing approach, we should firstly make clear about what reading is and what writing is. This section attempts to illustrate the nature of reading and writing.According to Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (The fourth edition), the term “reading” can mean: “the activity or skill of understanding written words”, “books and other things that you can read” or “your way of understanding a particular statement, situation, event, etc.”
  While reading, we not only process the information and store the information in our “database”, but also interpret the reading materials based on our prior knowledge and form our opinions about the reading materials. In reading, we attempt to reconstruct what the writer means as well as to use our own knowledge and experiences to sense and to understand what the reading materials present.
  From the above, it’s clear that reading is a process of getting and internalizing information, a cognitive task of interpreting the visual information, relating the received information with the reader’s own general knowledge, and reconstructing the meaning that the writer had meant to convey.According to Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (Extended fourth edition), the term “writing” can mean: “activity or occupation of writing (esp. books)”, “written or printed words”, “style of written material” and “way in which a person forms letters when writing; handwriting”. We write many things, we write for various reasons, and we write in various ways, but few of us have ever thought of what writing really is. In fact, different people have different opinions about writing. Some regard writing as a matter of putting words in written form; some think that writing is the occupation of creating a text for publication; while some others believe that writing is printed letters for communication; still others conclude that writing is letters or symbols written or imprinted on a surface to represent the sounds or words of a language, etc. As mention above, we can conclude that the nature of writing is that writing is a piece of printed words created by a writer to the readers for effective communication.   Otherwise, reading and writing can promote each other mutually and they are coexistent activities. To improve EFL writing ability, we must first develop our reading ability and do more English writing practice. Most importantly, we must persist in combining reading with writing in our EFL writing practice.
  Most of the studies about reading-to-writing approach advocate applying this approach in classroom English teaching. Commonly, they suggest the teachers to offer the students a piece of reading material and require the students to read the whole material. Then, the students are assigned to write a composition during the class based on their understanding of the reading materials.To select of reading materials will have a direct effect on our reading efficiency. So it’s necessary for us to know how to select good English reading materials. Here are some principles for selecting good English reading materials. In the stage of pre-reading,which serves as the most important step in reading-to-writing approach, we are expected to do a lot of work for the preparation of EFL writing and we should do so regularly and frequently.we should form a habit of writing a composition about 100 words at least once in a week based on the topics from the reading materials that we are interested in. While writing, we should try to use or imitate the information we have noted down from reading, including the structures and organization of the text, word usages, phrases and expressions, sentence patterns, idioms, etc.. This is actually a process of learning form reading and writing from reading.After finishing writing, we have to read our composition carefully by ourselves and compare ours with the reading materials. We should check if there are any mistakes or problems in words, sentences, spellings, structures, etc.. Then, we are expected to sincerely request our teachers or peers to evaluate and make comments on our works. At last, we should make clear about the mistakes and correct them in our compositions.
  Many attempts have been tried to improve the students’ EFL writing ability in senior high schools, like product approach and process approach, but the effectiveness of these approaches are far form satisfactory. Although reading-to-writing approach has been advocated in EFL teaching, the students know little about reading-to-writing approach and unaware of putting this approach into practice. The thesis mainly analyzes the present situation of English writing in senior high schools, expounds the nature of and the relationship between reading and writing to inform the students that writing can be integrated with reading to maximize what they have obtained from reading materials, discusses the necessity and feasibility of reading-to-writing approach to demonstrate that this approach is an appropriate means to improve EFL writing ability and puts forward reading-to-writing approach in EFL writing practice. To sum up, reading-to-writing approach is not only a means to developing the students’ quick reaction capacity, critical thinking ability and the awareness of cooperation, but also an effective one to improving their EFL writing ability.
【摘要】笔者在英语教学中,将情感教育渗透于英语课堂,对学生进行环保教育、理想教育、毅力教育、感恩教育。  【关键词】情感教育 环保教育 理想教育 毅力教育 感恩教育  英语课程的学习,既是学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力的过程;又是他们磨砺意志、陶冶情操、拓展视野、丰富生活经历、开发思维能力、发展个性和提高人文素养的过程。基础教育阶段英语课程的任务既包括帮助
语文教师,要用读书提升精神,用写作充实人生,用儒雅涵养性情,用敏锐洞察生活,用激情点燃学生,用严谨对待事业,用良知捍卫文明,用诗意行走人生。读书、写作、反思,勤奋、执著、求索,把这些关键词镶嵌进生命的旅程,路会越走越宽。  《语文课程标准》第三部分“实施建议”中要求教师和语文课程同步发展。  具体要求是:教师是学习活动的组织者和引导着;教师要努力适应课程改革的需要,继续学习,更新观念,丰富知识,提
瑞士心理学家皮亚杰认为:儿童学习的最根本的途径应该是活动,活动是联系主客体的桥梁,是认识发展的直接源泉。根据心理特点,放手让学生在动手、动口、动脑的协调之中,进行自主探求知识的活动,可发展学生的认知结构。这就要求我们在教学中改变课堂教学模式,实行开放式教学,让学生自主地探究性学习。  一、让学生尽可能去“想”  培养学生一个“敢”字,鼓励他们毫无顾及的尽情去想,合理的去想。如学《圆明园的毁灭》时,
“教育应当是生活本身,生活和经验是教育的灵魂,离开生活和经验就没有生长,也就没有教育。” 孩子年龄小,知识经验贫乏,往往通过感知和依靠表象认识事物,幼儿的科学活动也是在与周围事物的互动中完成的。《幼儿园指导纲要》中明确指出:“科学教育应密切联系幼儿的实际生活进行,利用身边的事物与现象作为科学探索的对象。” 科学教育生活化,生活问题科学化已经成为现代科学教学改革的方向。因此,在幼儿科学活动中,我们应
一、分析摘苹果  L. Bloomfield在Language 的P23提到语言可以在一个人受到刺激(S)时让另一个人去作出反应(R)。从前面的故事里知道Jill makes a noise with her larynx, tongue, and lips. 杰克跳过篱笆去摘苹果的一连串动作到底是由什么引起的呢?L. Bloomfield 分析透彻也很有意思。但笔者认为在(Practical e
【摘要】怎样才能更好地实施教师在育人中的德育教育?本文指出:在发展德智体美教育、培养创新人才、建立健全科学有效的师资队伍三个方面,都要做到以德为先。  【关键词】新课程 教书育人 德育为先  教师:传道,授业,解惑者。在培养创新人才的过程中,德育应该由以社会意义为主转化为以促进个体发展为主,担负起发展学生非才智性因素的重任,只有这样,德育才能获得新生,才能具有广阔的前景。那么,怎样才能更好地实
课堂教学改革要解决的核心问题是改变学生学习方式——改学生的被动学习为主动学习,激发学生的主体意识,培养学习的探究习惯。  学生能够自主学习,这是许多教师企盼的一种境界。越来越多的人意识到,学生应是学习的主人,“要求学习”也应该是学生的主动行为。多年来,我在小学语文课堂教学中进行了一些尝试和摸索,我是从这样几个方面进行研究和尝试的:  一、巧妙引导  要培养学生自主学习的能力,并不是要忽视教师的主导
计算机教学是在计算机辅助下进行的各种教学活动,以对话方式与学生讨论教学内容、安排教学进程、进行教学训练的方法与技术。CAI为学生提供了一个良好的个人化学习环境。综合应用多媒体、超文本、人工智能、网络通信和知识库等计算机技术,克服了传统教学情景方式上单一、片面的缺点。它的使用能有效地缩短学习时间、提高教学质量和教学效率,实现最优化的教学目标。  创新的关键在于人才,人才的成长要靠教育。因此在当前的学