One argument put forward in this book is to expand the study of American literature to a wider area that I hope for. I want to draw a picture, it can be said is a speculative geographic map. I would like to use this picture to open up a vast space for us to innovate our ideas and explore and discover new areas in depth. Thinking about the existence of black ethnicity is very important for understanding American literature, and it should not be on the brink of literary imagination. Avoiding and not analyzing the impact of racism on its subjects is both sad and shocking. What I am trying to explore here is the impact of the following ideas on non-black people - racial classes, apartheid, ethnic vulnerability and usability. Some prestigious American literary critics have never read the works of any African-American writer who refuses to read black texts. American literature is already thinking of constructing a “new white man.” Literary critics ignore the critique of that consideration, and if I feel so chilling, I can really turn to the writer himself for a long time. The writer is the most sensitive, the most unconscionable, the most representative, and the most insightful artist in mind. So I went to the creators of these American literature to explore ways to clarify the origins and effects of Africanism in the United States.