赤筒天牛(Linda nigroscutata Fairmaire)属鞘翅目、天牛科、沟胫天牛亚科、瘤胸筒天牛属。在盐源县主要危害苹果、梨、花、红、海棠、棠梨、山定子等多种果木。 一、危害情况 赤筒天牛队幼虫先在嫩枝上,枝条内蛀食危害髓部和周围的木质部。使上部枝叶凋萎枯死,蛀空的枝条易被风吹折。 二、形态特征 1.成虫 雌虫体长17—21毫米,雄虫略矩1—2毫米。头、胸、鞘翅橙黄或赤色。触角、复眼、口器、后胸腹板、腹部及足黑色。前胸节具6个黑色圆斑,其中4个呈“八”字形。鞘翅小盾片后有一等腰三角形黑色斑纹。触角11节。 2.卵 长圆形,直径约1毫米,黄白色。 3.幼虫 体长26—32毫米。全体橙黄色,口器黑褐色。前胸背板有倒八字形凹纹,后端密生深褐色粒状突起。 4.蛹 为裸蛹,长17—22毫米,橙黄色,两对翅芽
Linda nigroscutata Fairmaire is a coleoptera, Cerambycidae, tibiatidae subfamily, Tumor Thorax tube genus. In Yanyuan County, major hazards to apples, pears, flowers, red, Begonia, Tang pear, mountain stator and other fruit trees. First, the hazardous situation Red bell day larvae first in the shoots, branches within the harmful effects of pulp and the surrounding xylem. So that the upper branches withered wither, emacs branches easy to be blown off the wind. Second, the morphological characteristics 1. Adult female body length 17-21 mm, male slightly 1-2 mm. Head, chest, coleoptera yellow or red. Tentacles, compound eyes, mouthparts, posterior thoracic abdomen, abdomen and foot black. Breast chest with six black spots, of which four were “eight” shape. There is an isosceles triangle black markings behind the scutellare scutellare. Tentacles 11 knots. Oval oblong, about 1 mm in diameter, yellowish white. 3 larvae body length 26-32 mm. All orange, mouthparts dark brown. Chest back plate with inverted figure eight concave, dark brown back end of the granular protrusions. 4. Pupa nude pupate, length 17-22 mm, orange, two pairs of wing buds