Male, 16 years old. Due to chills, fever, headache, fatigue half months, increased with chills, limbs and joints and upper abdominal pain 7d of the main admission. Examination: body temperature 40 ℃, pulse Bo 140 times / min, breathing 24 times / min, blood pressure 12.5 / 9.0kPa, weight loss, clear spirit, very poor spirit, acute serious illness, anemia, mild yellow skin mucosa, light Table lymph nodes are not enlarged. Oral mucosal mild erosion. Breathing sounds rough lungs, apical systolic grade Ⅱ hair-like murmur. Liver percussion pain, Liver Sword 3cm, ribs 1.5cm, blunt edge, tenderness. Spleen ribs 3.5cm. Abdomen slightly bulging, tenderness, no rebound pain and ascites. Peripheral blood RBCO.67 × 10 ~ (12) / L, Hb20g / L, WBC62 × 10 ~ 9 / L, classification: rod nucleus, late promyelocytic 0.80, progeny 0.12, the original particle 0.08. Platelets 52 × 10 ~ 9 / L. Liver total bilirubin 24.8μmol / L, alanine aminotransferase 950nmol / s. CO_2CP13.6mmol / L. B super liver and spleen