文学的消长过程乃是雅文学俗化和俗文学雅化的双向互动过程 ,雅与俗既对立又统一 ,在一定层面上可以相互转化。中国当代雅文学的萧条 ,是市场经济尚未完全确定的“前状态”的结果。随着这种“前状态”的结束 ,雅文学将得到长足发展
The process of the rise and fall of literature is a two-way interactive process of popularization of Ya-ja and pop-up of popularization of literature. Both elegance and vulgar are antithetical and unification, and can be transformed into each other at a certain level. The depression of contemporary Chinese literary studies is the result of a “pre-state” in which the market economy has not yet been fully defined. With this “pre-status” over, Ya literary will be greatly developed