目的考察压力成长量表(stress-related growth scale,SRGS)中文版在大学生中使用的信度和效度及其在大学生中的适用性,为压力成长正式测量工具的编制提供参考。方法选取某师范大学681名大学生为被试,采用SRGS量表进行调查,采取探索及验证性因素分析法以得到该量表的结构及检测量表结构的稳定性。结果该量表的因素负荷在0.331~0.700之间,同质性信度在0.659~0.881之间,重测信度系数在0.710~0.782之间,人际间人际内成长的二因素模型对数据的拟合指数为:NFI=0.855,RFI=0.824I,FI=0.853,CFI=0.860,RMSEA=0.057χ,2/df=2.35。主观感知到的压力程度与成长显著相关,其余变量相关均不显著。结论 SRGS量表符合心理测量学的要求,可作为大学生压力成长的测量工具使用。大学生压力后心理成长良好且具有极大的同质性。
Objective To investigate the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of stress-related growth scale (SRGS) for undergraduates and its applicability to undergraduates, and to provide a reference for the preparation of a formal measure of stress growth. Methods A total of 681 college students from a normal university were enrolled in the study. The SRGS scale was used to investigate the structure of the scale and the stability of the scale structure by exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Results The load of the scale was between 0.331 and 0.700, the homogeneity reliability was between 0.659 and 0.881, the retest reliability coefficient was between 0.710 and 0.782, and the two factors model of interpersonal growth were significant Fitting indices were: NFI = 0.855, RFI = 0.824I, FI = 0.853, CFI = 0.860, RMSEA = 0.057χ, 2 / df = 2.35. Subjectively aware of the degree of stress and growth were significantly related to other variables were not significant. Conclusion The SRGS scale meets the requirements of psychometrics and can be used as a tool to measure the growth of college students’ stress. After psychological stress, college students grow well and have great homogeneity.