编者按 :本刊今年第2期刊登了河南省开封市公安局一科民警赵惠欣和陕西省扶风县公安局城关派出所民警毕志明的求救信后 ,在广大读者中引起了强反响 ,连日来 ,读者纷纷给两民警捐款致函 ,鼓励他们直面人生 ,同困难和病魔作斗争。本期刊发身患肠癌和膀胱癌的毕志明同志的来信 ,
Editor’s Note: This issue of the second issue of this year, Kaifeng City, Henan Province Public Security Bureau a police police Zhaohui Xin and Fufeng County Public Security Bureau of Shaanxi Province Chengguan police station Bi Zhiming’s letter of distress, the majority of readers aroused strong repercussions in recent days, Readers have sent two letters of donation to the police to encourage them to face life directly and fight hardships and illnesses. The journal published a letter from Comrade Bi Zhi Ming suffering from bowel and bladder cancer,